The Alopecia Justice League (AJL) is thrilled to announce its partnership with Vaseline to deliver an alopecia areata educational guide for the See My Skin Platform.
What is See My Skin?
In partnership with HUED, Vaseline created this initiative to improve dermatological care for patients with skin of color. See My Skin consists of a visual database and resource hub with photos and information about dermatological conditions on melanin-rich skin, aiming to help address the care gap in skin health for patients of color.
The Process
This guide was created by AJL’s medical advisory board, which consists of board-certified dermatologists, residents, and medical students. We provided a comprehensive overview of the condition, from its clinical presentation to treatment options. This guide will live on the See My Skin platform, improving access to accurate medical information for this patient population.
Our Commitment to Equitable Patient Care
All patients deserve inclusive, quality care where they feel seen. This partnership marks a significant step toward that goal for the alopecia areata patient community.