An exciting project in the works is NYU Langone's Mane Frame Series. This project is an educational series committed to raising Alopecia awareness across all audiences: doctors, healthcare practitioners, and the general public. The Alopecia Justice League had the opportunity to participate in the September shoot. Check out all the cool clips we captured!
Our co-founders, Dr. Kristen Lo Sicco and Lindsey Sullivan are shooting a check-up procedure in this shot. Mane Frame is unique because it targets the entire spectrum of alopecia knowledge. Using real people with alopecia will give users better insight into what living with alopecia is like. With a lack of understanding of the condition, many fail to consider its psychological impacts. Further, establishing a basic understanding of the condition is critical to advocate for empowering hair loss legislation. Specifically, many people are unaware that alopecia looks different on everyone. For some, it may be complete hair loss, alopecia totalis, and for others, it may be small patches of hair loss on the scalp, alopecia areata. Identifying your condition through a board-certified dermatologist as soon as possible is key to seeking treatments. For more info, visit NAAF.
In this shot, our co-founders Lindsey, Dr. Lo Sicco, and Alison Lee are shown after filming a segment. The Department of Dermatology at NYU Langone Hospital created Mane Frame. Dr. Lo Sicco and her fantastic team worked incredibly hard to create the content and execute the delivery. Further, we would like to thank Lilli Lyons, the shoot director. Not only was the AJL invited, but other local members of the alopecia community. Individuals of all ranges and backgrounds came together to promote awareness for a cause we deeply care about. The energy at the shoot was truly unique. Each individual shared their alopecia awareness work, which was incredibly inspiring.
Overall, we are so excited to have been a part of the Mane Frame series. In promoting greater awareness for alopecia, we hope to make strides in passing hair loss legislation: H.R. 5430, which will mandate insurance coverage for wigs. Anyone can become an advocate for H.R. 5430 by reaching out to your representatives with the resources we provide. To learn more, visit the H.R. 5430 page on our website. This picture features many members of the Alopecia Justice League: Dr. Elizabeth Klein, Dr. Lo Sicco, Alison, Téa, and Dr. Katerina Svigos (left to right).