Image credits: @thecrownact
The AJL would like to spotlight the Crown Act, legislation that will ban race-based hair discrimination. The CROWN Act, H.R. 2116, represents Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair. After being introduced by Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ), H.R. 2116 was passed by the House in March 2022. Currently, H.R. 2116 sits in the Senate. If it gains a majority (51 out of 100 votes), race-based hair discrimination will be illegal in all 50 states. Contact your representative with a pre-made template using this link.
In addition to the stigma surrounding baldness, the stigma surrounding certain hair types is heavily prevalent in society. African Americans disproportionally face hair discrimination in the workplace and educational settings leading to the withholding of various opportunities.
Because of this discrimination, Black people are more likely to adopt hairstyles that can damage their hair, resulting in traction alopecia. Because Black people are disproportionally affected by alopecia, they would greatly benefit from H.R. 5430 - which will mandate insurance coverage for wigs. The Alopecia Justice League firmly believes that one's hair, or lack thereof, should never hinder the opportunities they are given. Further, everyone should be empowered to present themselves with how they feel most comfortable without bearing financial burdens or discrimination.
Visit the Crown Act's website to learn more.