The extent of the problem:
25.2% of patients living with alopecia areata (AA) describe a serious economic burden, and 18.2% indicate income loss due to missed work
Among U.S. patients with AA, cosmetic headwear accounts for the greatest percentage of yearly out-of-pocket treatment expenses, with more money spent on wigs than on visit copays or prescription medications
Is there a way to help?
Fortunately, you have the power to take action and advocate for patients with AA - by supporting hair loss legislation. Two important bills are H.R. 5430 and S. 7408, which would mandate insurance coverage for cranial prostheses under the Medicare Program. Anyone and everyone has the power to use their voice to support these bills. Through persistent and meaningful communication, we can rally representatives to sponsor this legislation!
The Alopecia Justice League is an initiative that makes it easy for constituents to advocate for H.R. 5430; you can contact your representatives in less than 5 minutes following these steps.
Find your rep: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Go to their website and find contact info
Use this script to email or call them https://www.alopeciajusticeleague.com/_files/ugd/de3301_382e985410284e76b34f56eb2ddedb7b.pdf
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